Phone Sex And HotMazda Babe

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This post is a little unusual but being a Mazda enthusiast and single for over … well … way too long for me to care to divulge, I got a tickle the other day, waiting as I was for a light to turn green.  Other than fiddling your thumbs, what do you do when waiting at the traffic light?  You look around.  And I won’t even attempt to describe my astonishment at what was going on in the car next to mine…

It’s not often that you see a gorgeous babe sitting behind the wheels of a Mazda Connect so to see this really beautiful woman in her car was already a dream come true.

But what she was doing was even more incredible. She was busy talking on the telephone and I swear this was a phone sex conversation. She was descriptive, sexy, and if she knew people were watching her and listening in to her chat, then she made a good play at hiding it.

This was one occasion when you wish the traffic light stays red for a whole lot longer than it usually does.

Listening to a woman having a sex conversation with someone, in the car right next to yours, behaving as if she was alone on the road and in a sexy car to boot really made my day.

Just imagine the scene… And in case you don’t know what car I am talking about, here it is, for your viewing pleasure.

Talk about zoom zoom!

And then the alarm rang and it was time to wake up…

Dreams are allowed, aren’t they?